The celebration of this day will be held on Sunday May 8, 2011, not to coincide with the celebration of San Isidro will be the next weekend.
council convenes On this day also the third photo contest 'Colors of Fatima'
can recover a lost tradition in recent years as a Mass will be held on the street, in front of the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in honor of the Virgin
On Sunday 15 May, takes place in one of the Tíjola most unique festivities Almanzora Valley. The procession of the Virgin of Fatima becomes a big day of celebration, since it was initiated in l951 by Father Enrique Silva. This procession through the streets of the city, where other processions of importance not happen. From early in the morning and in the days before the party and even from month to prepare the drawings are done in the streets with carpets of dyed sawdust or grass aromatic. The procession is accompanied on her journey through the din of firecrackers and fireworks in the middle of the procession takes place outdoor Mass and continues after his journey to his hermitage. Altars are dressed in strategic locations, the tijoleños also flamenco dress. It's a real fun and festive days, combining the religious and the profane from the authenticity of the people.The council convenes on the third photo contest 'Colors of Fatima'
Tíjola City Council convened for the third year running a photo contest to promote the culture and value of artistic creativity. Must submit three photographs of 15 x 20 inches, at least 18 x 24 maximum on photographic paper. Assemblies will not be accepted or trick, only allow adjustments to balance or offset the image. Participants may aspire to the following awards. First $ 100, second 75 and third $ 50, all accompanied by diploma and publication.
With all the photos received will be held an exhibition at the City of Tíjola, from 1 to June 24, 2011.
The jury will be composed of people linked to the world of culture and photography. The jury's decision will be communicated personalmente con antelación a cada uno de los autores premiados, así como a través de los medios de comunicación. La entrega de los premios tendrá lugar en el Consistorio tijoleño, el día 24 de junio del 2011 a las 21:30 horas.
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