About 300 people packed the Cultural Center Fidela Countryside
Before about 300 people, took place the presentation of the list of candidates Tíjola PP, Fidela Cultural Center countryside.
opened the turn of the word, the local president Emilio José Reche, who "explained why the call after a legislature in which they have had from the opposition to be responsible and constructive way to provide some projects come out ahead. We worked every day from the respect and commitment, "said Reche, while calling for a round of applause of appreciation for outgoing Council members. Therefore, the president continued, "I ask the vote, one vote responsible and useful, to give stability to an institution that had it not been for the cooperation of the council of the popular party, had been stopped, because the mayor, as a result their constant infighting, could not do anything. So we have the experience, because we have done over the years, while they were fighting each other. "
He then took the stage the popular secretary of Almeria, Javier Aureliano Garcia, who said that "for me is special Tíjola be because as a kid I've been a lot. Tíjola understand that has to be the epicenter of what we want for the popular game of Almeria. Here we feature a team that cares Tíjola problems and is supported by the largest party in the province of Almeria. A party with more than 20,000 members that will govern the province, autonomous region and the nation. Because the train of progress within the party is popular, and it embodies Tíjola Mario Padilla, so the next May 22 Tíjola not be left out. On May 22 we played a lot, alternating Tíjola put to where it deserves. Today there are 118,300 unemployed in Almeria; in 2004 had 17,000, so you have to be with the self-employed and small businesses that are generating 85% of the jobs, "concluded Garcia.
candidate for mayor, Mario Padilla, began with a smile saying, "If after these words, I was not popular party, now vote for the PP. I want to thank all tijoleñas tijoleños and, for without its heat would be more difficult task. We work because we all have the same opportunities.
presented to members of the list
Mario Padilla, Adolfo Guiard, Maria Angeles Bonachela, Emilio José Reche, Worship García, María del Carmen Navarro, Antonio Manuel Pérez, Ana María Carreño, Jorge Pérez Pérez, Antonio Moreno, Raúl and Miguel Angel Sánchez Encinas
Padilla continued, "I am a council worker because I like to call official. As one friend of mine, they all have a list but I have a computer. I feel great and proud to represent them tomorrow. With our team we will allow ourselves the skin. I wonder why I come, 'because I do not like how things are, no favoritism or lack of control. Do not depend on politics for a living, and that do not be mortgaged, not to give false hope for a vote, if people think I can, I ask you to give me a vote for four years, and if you do not like me at that time, I withdraw it, "said candidate before a "live and tijoleños Tíjola."
Gabriel Amat PP President "Dear Mario, you're gonna be good mayor. I want to say that this is the best candidate that could have Tíjola. May 22 is not true that the same vote in one or the other, is not equal. Tíjola is an important municipality but has the misfortune of having failed to ask for things or doing things with his party colleagues who tell us one thing every day different, and we have no highway, no job or green shoots. May 22 is the beginning of the end of the cocialistas, if the May 22 election suffer a stick, we are not able to have one more year in this situation. As the government of the Board see how the money from the unemployed should be used for independent and small and medium enterprises do not come, and if they are receiving high social burden. Up to one's working life from the day after birth, until he retired. There are two types of people who can use institutions to their advantage, as the children of Chaves. They are very much his own, against those who are not, to the point that in some localities and 21st century threatens to end the work to those who dare to go in other lists.
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