Imagen de Victor Perez intentando entrar a canasta y poder romper la racha negativa de aciertos que tenia en ese momento Andorra. Foto: Adolfo Guiard.
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Promobys BS Hotels: Fede Bavosi (4), James Keefe (11), Luis Parejo (5, 1 triple), Ryan McDade (9) and Victor Perez (14, 1 triple)-starters. Rafa also acted Ruffian (4), David Ortega (8), Nick Maglisceau (4), Berni Castillo (3) and Ivan Matemale. River
Andorra: Néstor Zamora (10), Rafael Casals (2), James Holmes (15, 4 triples), Pablo Sanchez (2) and Rob Johnson (12)-starters. Matali Andreu also performed (18, 1 triple), Jon Santamaria (18, 4 triples), Alex Rios (7, 1 triple) and Daniel Marín.
Referee: González Caballero Zumajo and Madrid. Partial
: 19-16, 34-34, 46-60-break, 62-85.
Issues: Second game of the playoff semifinals in the ascent phase Adecco Golden League held at City Hall Tíjola, before some 1,000 spectators.
• CB Promobys BS Hotels Tíjola has fallen this afternoon at his door, in the second game of the semifinal playoffs for promotion to the League Adecco Gold River to Andorra, which has built its success on a great start third period and the wisdom from 6.75, with ten triples by two locals. Now the tie goes to Andorra, where he will play Wednesday and Friday. If any of the teams manages to win two stakes, will be in the final for promotion. If not, the fifth game would be Tíjola next Sunday.
• After an equal start, Promobys BS Hotels not had its first benefits was not consistent until the Ecuador's first quarter. It was then, as a result of collective work in attack and defense with great back and Pérez McDade, Parejo and effective Ortega ahead of Tíjola got the seven above (13-6), with four and a half and forcing the dead time visitor. A time served for the reaction came Andorran mainly based hand Zamora, whose drive and were key points to draw a partial 4-8, leaving things at 17-14 and forced downtime Herrera.
• Entered stuck in the second quarter the home side, who with two cons turned to look down in just two minutes (19-23) and was not now how to get to the rim rival. The dead time of stopped the trend Herrera and his team turned to get into the game, coming to get ahead with the success in hoops and help Keefe Ortega, Perez and couples, in the absence of half a minute to rest, recorded the first triple of the game to the premises (34-31). Next, Holmes returned the money from the same distance (34-34) and it remained just a local office for the final, not profit.
• The protagonist of the beginning of the third period was Jon Santamaria. The alternate base of Andorran chained two triples in a row and your team put up eleven, with the highest income shock (34-45). After the dead time of Herrera, come the third followed by Santamaría (34-48). The part was 0-16. BS Hotels Promobys cut it and even got to get back up to ten (44-54), but again the triple, and Matali Holmes, gave him an income of 16 visitors (44-60), a lack of means minute. At the end of the period, 46-60.
• True Promobys BS Hotels jumped onto the field to start the fourth quarter. His basketball fast, aggressive defense, fast on the counterattack and especially the character based on the income left thirteen in two minutes (50-63), with dead time visitor. A triple by Perez and a robbery McDade easy basket to put the light turned eleven (55-66). But Holmes was sung from Promobys BS Hotels 6.75 and did not quite meet. In Ecuador the period, income was 57-74 and Promobys BS Hotel, but kept trying, failed to reduce the income of Andorra, worked at the start of the third quarter.
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