Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1945, on a foggy morning, Semper, who owns a bookshop in the heart of the Old City, takes her son Daniel to the "cemetery of forgotten books" a large building, old and dark, filled with volumes largely unknown or forgotten writers that people have been taken there to preserve them from neglect, indifference or destruction, as the tradition that comes here for the first time must take a book, among thousands of titles so you see, Daniel is attracted to "The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax, a mystery novel, that night, and at home reads a tirón.Al next day many people want this book so far forgotten about what they want to buy paying more than it's worth, others want to burn ...
Daniel In the following years will be involved in crime, intrigue and will be in danger to protect the book from certain people or to pry into the life of Julian Carax, discovering that it is as enigmatic or more than his novels.
While in "The Shadow of the Wind by Ruiz Zafon prevails intrigue to the mystery surrounding the book and its author, there are other genera in this novel: historical for its depiction of two times, and postwar Barcelona early twentieth century, with sparks of humor and wisdom with people like Fermin Romero de Torres, the beggar who rescued Daniel from the streets, giving them work in the library of his father from the evil terror and brutal inspector Fumero, or love stories Julian and Penelope - Daniel and Betty.
is one of those novels that grabs you from the first to the last page, that's addictive in reading, has been compared to novels by Dumas, Victor Hugo and Eduardo Mendoza, dense (there are nearly 600 pages, but not a single line boring) well told and compelling characters.
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--------------/ Carlos Ruiz Zafon is Catalan, worked in advertising and eight years ago they left to go to Los Angeles where he writes screenplays (although he said in a interview saves few), in 1993 won the prize for youth literature Edebé to " Prince of the Mist ", then published" The Midnight Palace, "" The September light "and" Marina. " "The Shadow of the Wind" is her first adult novel and she was a finalist Fernando Lara.
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