Monday, December 15, 2008
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
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Saturday, November 22, 2008
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This meeting aims to promote dialogue among those researchers whose lines of study focusing on the interdisciplinary study about literature, philosophy, history, and academia.
Those wishing to attend are researchers, teachers or students, must submit their data to . Admission is free and will be awarded certificates of attendance.
Schedule Wednesday December 3 13:30
14:00 Opening Ceremony by Dr. Melchora Romans, director of the Institute of Hispanic Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures Dr. Amado Alonso
14:30 to 15:30 Panel 1
Lydia Love (UBA): "Notes for a history of Romance philology in France (1870-1890)"
Florence Calvo (UBA-CONICET), "Editing a Lope late nineteenth century. Menéndez Pelayo and Cota "Eleonora
gonane (UBA):" History of the English Heterodox Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo: the Holy Scriptures, translators, readings and heresy "
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16:00 -17:30 PLENARY LECTURE
Gloria Chicote (UNLP-CONICET): English medieval literature from J. Herder to R. Menéndez Pidal "critical exegesis or invention of the canon?"
17:30 to 19:00 Panel 2 "Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo and Gaston Paris"
Diego Forte (UBA): "The discursive construction of the object Romania" Mariano
Saba (UBA ): "Breaking into the canon: Menéndez Pelayo and Unamuno and intellectual crisis of the late S. XIX "
Patricia Festini (UBA): Thursday 4
10:00 to 11:30 Panel 3" German Literature "
Regula Rohland:" The theory of comedy F.Th. Aesthetics Vischer "Roman
Setton (UBA):" The critical prose Heine "
Michael Vedda (UBA-CONICET)," Literary theory and intellectual configuration items Ludwig Borne "Café
Marcelo Mendoza Hurtado (UBA), "Ambiguities of Hegelian rationalist expressivism"
13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30 to 16:00 Panel 4 "American Literature" Alejandra
Laera (UBA-CONICET), "Ruben Dario, a reader of novels (universal circuits of the literature Argentina at the end of the century) "
Camila Rodriguez (UBA):" Stories to another, Menéndez Pelayo and Latin American poetry anthology "
Susana Zanetti:" Ruben Dario and the expressionism of the Machado "
16:00-16.30 Coffee 16:30 to 18:00 Panel 5
"literary criticism and poetry in the nineteenth century"
Emilio Bernini (UBA): "Rousseau, Chateaubriand" Valeria
Castelló-Joubert (UBA): "An art greenhouse. The concept of form in the early work of Hugo von Hoffmannsthal "Américo
Cristófalo (UBA):" The artist Baudelaire: historical images and poetic representation in The Painter of Modern Life "
Jeronimo Ledesma (UBA):" rules and crime. The concept of poetic On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts "Mariano Sverdloff
(UBA-CONICET)," Canon, decay and re-reading: Latin Library Des Esseintes "
18:00: Close of Meeting . Wine
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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In the context of this pose, inseparable from the overall theme of the book, Abrams aims to analyze "France, an Ode" by Coleridge , under the assumption that it is only understandable if we accept that "revolves around conversion of the political concepts of slavery and freedom in metaphors of the spirit in their relationship with nature "(ibid.). The following is the textual analysis of the ode [we replaced the translation the poem in the book by our own ]:
Ode opens with an invocation to the clouds, waves, forests, sun and sky, elements "compelling" the natural scenario, since "only follow eternal laws "and are thus independent of any" control "out of his own being, function as a type of" all things that are and will be free "are qualified as" witness "the uninterrupted adoration of the poet's" spirit of more Divine Freedom. " "When France lifted its giant angrily members / ... and said he would be free ", he had turned in her and her "opponent of tyrants spear" their hopes for universal freedom, and even during británcica war against France and the Reign of Terror, had kept his faith in the imminence of a new land of freedom, love and joy. "And soon," he said,
show their knowledge in the low huts of those who work and moan
and conquest only with happiness, France
force other nations to be free, until
love and joy
look around and see the land in his possession.
But now France has invaded in turn Switzerland into a war of conquest directed against the "bloodless freedom of Montanez, "and that event has led him finally to recognize that freedom can not be won or imposed by external power, and that the revolution by people who are perpetually enslaved-that is, that the spirit of its citizens is confined by the limits of their physical senses-slavery simply replaced by another.
The Sensual and the Dark rebel in vain,
slaves of their own compulsion. In a furious game
break their shackles and use the word
Liberation recorded heavy chains.
Oh, Freedom! ...
but you do not inflame the song of the winner and never breathed
your soul with form of human power.
The poem ends with a romantic situation in point: the speaker is alone on a cliff swept by the wind, facing the open landscape, and experiencing a freedom essential to the power of your joining the scene unfolds before him and hold it again in an act of liberated perception is an act of spontaneous love:
And there I felt the edge of that cliff ocean,
whose pines, just busy in the breeze,
come together in a single murmur at distant swell.
Yes, while standing admiring these things, his forehead naked and threw
my being for the land, by sea and by air,
embracing all the more intense love,
oh, freedom! there I felt my spirit.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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The long history of publishing Oda this indicates its value as a public statement of Coleridge shift from a radical position in favor of the French Revolution, the counter-revolutionary. The original title of 1798 was "The recantation: An Ode" ("The denial, an ode"). Such "resignations" public appeared throughout Europe in this period, after the French invasion of Switzerland in March 1798, which was interpreted as an advanced imperialist Germany, published odes of this style Goethe, Klopstock, Schiller, Wieland and Kotzebue. (The information is taken from Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Selected Poetry. Ed. Richard Holmes. London: Penguin, 1996, p. 350.)
Clouds! that float and are delayed about me, go wandering
which no mortal control.
ocean waves! which always follow where they go, eternal laws. Forest
! you hear birds singing at night in the recumbent
gentle slope and dangerous, if not shaken
their own branches
overriding the wind and make a solemn music.
There, as a man of God loved the shadows
never trodden by other men,
how many times, pursuing fancies holy,
walked under moonlight the grass flourishing,
inspired more than dementia can assume, for each shade
rude and every wild unconquerable sound?
Oh, sound waves, and you, high Forest,
and you, oh, clouds that rise up,
you, rising sun, you, happy blue sky!,
yes, all things being and are free
witness where are the deep devotion that
always adored the most divine spirit of Freedom!
When France lifted its giant angrily
members and with the oath, which hit air, land and sea, said his enormous
up and said they are free, Esperance and
how I feared, testify,
with what joy my congratulations sang solemn
undaunted in the midst of a gang of tyrants
as to overwhelm the nation disenchanted as demons enraged
by the power of a sorcerer,
Monarchs marched in evil day, and England
joined the faction terrible
but were beloved beaches and surrounding ocean,
although many friendships, many youthful loves
support the patriotic emotion and cast a magical light on mountains and forests;
my voice, however, unaltered, sang defeat
of all who fought the tyrants
launches opposition and shame too delayed and vain retreat.
As ever, oh, Liberty, desire alone,
hid your light or licked your holy flame
blessed, yes, the bases of France redeemed
and dropped my head and cried in the name of England.
"What?" I said, "although the high cry of blasphemy
with the sweet music of salvation compete,
although all drunk and ferocious passions tied
dance wildest dream of a insane
despite storms, which are stacked eastern dawn, sunrise
but hiding your light. "
And when, to soothe my soul, full of hope and fear,
dissonance ceased, and everything seemed peaceful and bright
when France, his face bloody, scarred,
stacked capped with crowns glory
when moving irresistibly
mocked the attack arm of the warrior,
while, casting shy glances of anger, betrayal
domestic crushed beneath her fatal tread,
shook like a wounded dragon in his blood,
Then I reproached my fears that had not been withdrawn;
"And soon," he said, "Wisdom will teach his knowledge in the low huts
of those working and moan
and conquest only with happiness, France
force other nations to be free,
until love and joy
look around and see the land in his possession. "
Forgive me, Freedom! forgive those dreams!
hear your voice, I hear your complaint powerful;
emitted from the icy caverns of the bleak Helvetia,
hear your moans about his blood-stained waters.
heroes who died for your
peaceful country and you who, fleeing, spot your mountain snow
with bleeding wounds, forgive me, because I encouraged
a thought that perhaps blessed
cruel enemies to sow hatred and traitorous guilt, where
Peace her jealous home had built;
to disinherit a race of patriots
of all that is so dear to his tempestuous lands and irredeemable
spirit to stain the bloodless freedom of Montanez-
Oh, France, you make fun of Heaven, adulterous, blind, and patriot
tasks only harmful
Are these your deeds, the champion of humanity?
Kings "Mix with the creeping lust for power,
screaming in hunting and sharing with them the spoils criminal?
"Insulting the shrine of Liberty with spoils stolen
free men? Tempted to betray?
The Sensual and the Dark rebel in vain,
slaves of their own compulsion. In a furious game
break their shackles and use the word
Liberation recorded heavy chains.
Oh, Freedom! with selfless efforts
chased many hours you weary;
but you do not inflame the song of the winner and never breathed
your soul in the form of human power. Unlike
all, as you praise,
(nor prayer nor boastful name you delay),
different from the priesthood lackeys and harpies and obscene
slaves factious Blasphemy,
your hurry you on your delicate wings, Guide
homeless winds and playmate of the waves.
And there I felt the edge of that cliff ocean,
whose pines, just busy in the breeze,
come together in a single murmur of the distant waves.
Yes, while standing admiring these things, his forehead naked and threw
my being for the land, by sea and by air,
embracing all with the most intense love,
oh, freedom! there I felt my spirit.
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Monday, October 27, 2008
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Monday, August 4, 2008
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A book missed one of the most notable English-language comics.
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Monday, July 14, 2008
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Monday, June 30, 2008
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Friday, May 2, 2008
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There, in a room ... there is an old wardrobe, hanging inside ... many fur coats, the fund is Narnia, a fantasy world, distinct, full of extraordinary characters, familiar and haunting time.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
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becomes Roman emperor 37 AD intelligent and cultivated, but self-conscious about his physique, has two great passions: theater and Drusilla, the most beautiful of sisters.
begins his reign Caligula flattered by the Romans and the legions. Towards the end of his mandate will be hated by all: for he himself has behaved like the worst dictators and has been characterized by extravagance, provocations and brutality.
Claims games that the Emperor has not only subjected to their subjects, but even his own family, are some of the samples its refined perversion. In addition, his lust for power has become immortal obsessive and Caligula has come to believe to be a god.
His blindness and complacency will not notice such that the conspiracy that was forged around him.
The madness of the Roman emperor Caligula is still one of the most fascinating history. Paul-Jean Franceschini and Pierre Lunel, good knowledge of Roman civilization, recounted the fate of this being unusual, known for his cruelty, lust and unbalanced nature, and family and political intrigues in which he participated.
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Sunday, March 23, 2008
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already nearby the premiere of the film, before you can read the book.
In this second book tells the story of the second trip to Narnia Pevensie siblings, where they discover that an evil king from Telmar has taken control of Narnia.
His foreign law has sought the annihilation of all magical creatures of Narnia, but there are still many hidden. The four children help the young Prince Caspian with the help of the great lion Aslan to save Narnia once again.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
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tells the story of the Buendía family over seven generations in the fictional town of Macondo.
The village is founded by several families led by Jose Arcadio Buendia and Ursula Iguaran a couple of cousins \u200b\u200bwho married full of foreboding and fear for their relationship and the myth exists in the region of their offspring could have pig tails.
However, they had three children: Jose Arcadio, Aureliano and Amaranta (names to be repeated in subsequent generations). José Arcadio Buendía
, the founder, is the person who leads and investigated with the newness that the Roma people (having a special friendship with Melquiades, who died several times and would be key to the fate of the family) and ends his life tied to the tree to the best of the ghost of Prudencio Aguilar enemy with which it interacts. Ursula
is the matriarch of the family, who lived for over a hundred years to raise a family and home.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
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The latest work published by award-winning Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, Memories of My Melancholy Whores is a short novel that tells the moving story of an old journalist who in his ninetieth birthday decides to give yourself a night of pleasure with a young virgin and, unexpectedly, falls in love for the first time in his life ... just a girl of fourteen, which christens Delgadina, referring to a traditional romance of English origin .....
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Friday, March 7, 2008
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Four years after the sudden death of his wife Jo, the novelist Mike Noonan is the grip of a terrible depression and terrible nightmares.
seeks refuge in his summer home, but in that place a powerful man, Max Devore, does not scruple to manipulate the community to achieve their sinister purposes: to separate her granddaughter three years of his young widowed mother.
Mike is involved in the fighting and is trapped in the mystery of the house, now the scene of ghostly visits and increasingly abhorrent obsession .......
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
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Monday, March 3, 2008
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Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1945, on a foggy morning, Semper, who owns a bookshop in the heart of the Old City, takes her son Daniel to the "cemetery of forgotten books" a large building, old and dark, filled with volumes largely unknown or forgotten writers that people have been taken there to preserve them from neglect, indifference or destruction, as the tradition that comes here for the first time must take a book, among thousands of titles so you see, Daniel is attracted to "The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax, a mystery novel, that night, and at home reads a tirón.Al next day many people want this book so far forgotten about what they want to buy paying more than it's worth, others want to burn ...
Daniel In the following years will be involved in crime, intrigue and will be in danger to protect the book from certain people or to pry into the life of Julian Carax, discovering that it is as enigmatic or more than his novels.
While in "The Shadow of the Wind by Ruiz Zafon prevails intrigue to the mystery surrounding the book and its author, there are other genera in this novel: historical for its depiction of two times, and postwar Barcelona early twentieth century, with sparks of humor and wisdom with people like Fermin Romero de Torres, the beggar who rescued Daniel from the streets, giving them work in the library of his father from the evil terror and brutal inspector Fumero, or love stories Julian and Penelope - Daniel and Betty.
is Catalan, worked in advertising and eight years ago they left to go to Los Angeles where he writes screenplays (although he said in a interview saves few), in 1993 won the prize for youth literature Edebé to " Prince of the Mist ", then published" The Midnight Palace, "" The September light "and" Marina. " "The Shadow of the Wind" is her first adult novel and she was a finalist Fernando Lara.
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
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Book III consists of 11 chapters recounting the odyssey of the Fellowship of the Ring after the disaster at Parth Galen, with bounce Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli Boromir's body after his death at the hands of the Uruk Hai and the decision to pursue the first of Saruman's minions to rescue Merry and Pippin.
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
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The Fellowship of the Ring has been separated. The hobbits Frodo and Sam continue the path to the dark Mordor to destroy the ring, while the man Aragorn, the elf Legolas and the dwarf Gimli pursue the urukhai created by the traitor wizard Saruman who are prisoners of the hobbits Merry and Pippin.
Along the way, each of these groups that has spread the company will meet new characters whose appearance is important for the development of its mission.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
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After years of jealously guard the One Ring, the hobbit Bilbo entrusts that task to his cousin Frodo. All goes well until the Dark Lord discovered where the ring and decides to retrieve it.
To avoid this, Gandalf the wizard organizes a delegation made up of dwarves, elves, men and hobbits Frodo including who must travel to Mordor with the intention of destroying the ring.
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