Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blisters Fingers Lupus

Koselleck: Crisis and philosophy of history

P ertenece the essence of the crisis the existence of a pending decision and has not yet adopted. And also belong to this crisis that is unknown what the decision provisionally to be taken. General insecurity in a critical situation is either dyed, then, by the certainty that, indefinitely as to time, but surely, with uncertainty as to how, but with full certainty, is approaching the end of the critical situation . Possible solution remains uncertain, but the end itself, the radical change in the circumstances, menacing, feared, or desired, it hopefully true for men. The crisis raises the question of the historical future. ----
of awareness of the crisis, the knowledge of political tension to its logical sequel inevitable consequences, originated in Germany a series of forecasts, symptoms themselves, while the crisis-that portend an immediate end to the current political order so far. Prophesied the revolution. (...) The plan of salvation is secularized and turned into a historical and rational approach, but this approach is the same philosophy of history which guarantees the course of time, from now on, planned events themselves. Philosophy progress provided certain non-religious, or rational, but specifically philosophical-historical-political planning that has also indirectly reaching its completion, just as, conversely, moral and rational planning, self-determining the progress of history. In the volitional act of planning was to incite, as a guarantee that the intentional project also leads to success. What does this identification of indirect policy planning within the course of history? By this identification masks the possibility of revolution, but is invoked and encouraged the revolution itself.

(Reinhart Koselleck. Criticism and Crisis. A study on the pathogenesis of the bourgeois world. Editorial Trotta, 2007, pp. 115, 120.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Build Sausage Stuffer

First Part

L slogans as the first set are available in campus. It must provide a hard copy of part resolved in the theoretical time on Thursday 15. To avoid interrupting the class, you will receive a copy at the beginning or end of class. Moreover, we should get on the campus electronic copy of the partially resolved. In the reviews section, there is a "task" that says: "Delivery of First Part." Will click there and load the file the partially resolved. Any questions can be raised through the Campus Forum (communication -> queries to the chair).

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dreamland Electric Blanket Spares

FFyL Virtual Campus 2009

Literature Matter of the nineteenth century enabled for the first time this year a space FFyL Virtual Campus ( To enter you must first become a user of the campus and then have to enroll in the course with the key that was reported in the first theorist. Regardless of the pedagogical value of space (are there the program, schedule of readings, supplementary materials, comments on the literature, and reading guides will be added), we ask that all students to enroll and also ratify the practical commission assigned to them in theory. To do this you must have access to the activity that is below the picture of the Bastille, entitled "Practical Registration". Any problem with this, please consult personally Ledesma Jerome next Thursday in staff room between 19 and 21 hours.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wedding Reception Welcome Note

Course 2009: First Class

On Tuesday, 25 17 to 19 hours in the classroom 144, 2009 begins the course of the nineteenth century literature, organized around the concept, history and literary representation of the French Revolution [see program pdf ]. This first

Cristófalo class teacher, in charge of the area, will present the course syllabus and provide a general introduction to the approach and working methods adopted by the Chair.

also be conducted in this first class registrations for practical work commissions [ see here supply schedule] and indicate the key to access the course in the Virtual Campus .

For entries to practical work, we find that students will necessarily choose two options from the five offered, one of which will be marked as preferred.

strongly recommend attending all classes with a copy of the program and library material to be worked at every opportunity.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Implantation Smelly Urine

, classrooms, schedule


Tuesdays and Thursdays, 17 to 19 hours: Américo Cristófalo, Bernini and Jerome Emilio Ledesma. Classroom: 144.


Tuesday, 15 to 17: Valeria Castelló-Joubert (JTP). Classroom: 236.
Tuesday from 19 to 21: Luciana Del Gizzo. Classroom: 144.
Thursday from 15 to 17: Laura Hawk. Classroom: 236.
Thursday from 21 to 23: Mariano Sverdloff. Classroom: 233.
Friday from 11 to 13: Carolina Ramallo. Classroom: 127.


Thursday from 19 to 21: Jerome Ledesma (JTP). Classroom: Faculty Room. Schedule


25 / 8: presentation of the material and practical registration.
27 / 8: Unit I. Koselleck, Arendt.
1 / 9: Unit I. Arendt, Jauss.
3 / 9: Unit I. Furet.
8 / 9: Unit II. Sade, Philosophy in the Boudoir .
10 / 9: Unit II. Sade, Philosophy in the Boudoir .
15 / 9: Unit II. Sade, Philosophy in the Boudoir .
17 / 9: Unit II. Sade, Philosophy in the Boudoir .
22 / 9: Unit II. Michelet / Hugo. History of the French Revolution and Ninety-three .
24 / 9: Unit II. Michelet / Hugo. History of the French Revolution and Ninety-three .
29 / 9: Unit II. Hugo, Ninety-three .
1 / 10: Unit II. Hugo, Ninety-three . Slogans the first set.
6 / 10: Unit III. Introduction to German Romanticism.
8 / 10: Unit III. Introduction to German Romanticism.
13/10: Unit III. Hölderlin, Hyperion .
15/10: Unit III. Hölderlin, Hyperion .
20/10: Unit III. Hölderlin, Hyperion .
22/10: Unit III. Hölderlin, Hyperion .
27/10: Unit III. Büchner, Danton's Death .
29/10: Unit III. Büchner, Danton's Death .
3 / 11: Unit III. Büchner, Danton's Death .
5 / 11: Unit IV. English Romanticism and Revolution.
10/11: Unit IV: Wordsworth, Lyrical Ballads (Preface and Selection).
12/11: Unit IV: Wordsworth, The Prelude (Prospectus and general structure).
17/11: Unit IV: Wordsworth, The Prelude .
19/11: Unit IV: Wordsworth, The Prelude . Slogans of the second set.
24/11: Course completion.
26/11: On final and monographs.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Retirement In Asheville

XIX Century Program - 2009

--------------------------------> HERE <--------------------------------

See recommendation .

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Binocular Bagsleather

Time July 2009 - Finals

Students who wish to pay consideration in the July shift, either oral or defense mode monograph must register with the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, as a last resort, July 23 (rescheduled date the remaining flu for enrollment: those who were registered with the program before the flu should not register again.) The dates of review, with the new calendar, are two: 29 July and 5 August. Schedule: 14 hours. Those who submit paper for defense, if they do it for the first time, must submit two copies to your teacher workshops through Friday, July 17, for the second, they were given until 22 July. You doubt this? See guidelines for submission of papers , and if doubts persist, write to .

Friday, June 19, 2009

Canon N1240u Slide Scanning

"the exercise of linking language with the blood shed "

----- " S i the Revolution changed the rules of classical writing, because staff was still thinking it anyway and only passed the intellectual power to political power, the exceptional conditions of the fight occurred yet in the bosom of the great classical form, a revolutionary writing itself, not its structure, more academic than before, but by their approach and its double: exercise of language linking, as never before in history, to shed blood. The revolutionaries had no reason to want to modify the classical writing, did not think of any way put into question the nature of man, much less their language: a "tool" legacy of Voltaire, Rousseau and Vauvenargues could not seem compromised. The uniqueness of the circumstances formed historical writing revolutionary identity. Somewhere, Baudelaire spoke of 'emphatic truth of gesture in the great occasions of life. " The Revolution was, par excellence, one of those great occasions where truth, by the blood it costs, it becomes so heavy that it requires, to express themselves, the very forms of the amplification stage. The revolutionary writing was emphatic that this gesture was the only one to continue the scaffold daily. What today seems exaggeration was so far from reality. This script has all the signs of inflation was a precise spelling, language was never less unlikely and less impostor. This emphasis is not was only the molded shape of the drama, was also his conscience. Without that quirky draped himself all the major revolutionaries, which allowed the Gironde Gaudet was arrested in Saint-Emilion, declare, without being ridiculous because he was dying: "Yes, I am Gaudet. Executioner, do your job. Take my head the tyrants of the country. The ever did fade, cut, will make them even more pale, "the Revolution had not been fertilized this mythical event that any idea of \u200b\u200bhistory and future of the Revolution. The writing was revolutionary as the entelechy of the revolutionary legend, intimidated and imposed a civic consecration of the blood. "

Barthes, Roland, "The zero degree of writing" in The zero degree of writing, followed by new critical essays , Mexico, Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1997, pp. 28-29.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Character Animation In Blender

Vovelle, Reichardt ...

E l ongoing program of nineteenth century literature is necessarily knowledge of the French Revolution, a historic event organized by our thoughts. Of course, the matter can not be engaged to replace those skills because of it, should be ignored in a course that lasts only fifteen weeks, that which is truly specific: to study the relationship between the concept of revolution, such as reconfiguring end eighteenth century as a result of the historical experience of 1789 and nineteenth-century literary production. ----
During the course, however, require reading a generous selection of articles from Dictionary of the French Revolution, Francois Furet , Mona Ozouf and others, and which can obtain quick but incisive perspectives facts, actors and ideas. But in addition, we strongly recommend that students read, before take at least an introductory book to the French Revolution. ----
The preferred that the chair is Michel Vovelle, Introduction to the History of the Revolution French, trans. Marco Aurelio Galmarini, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCrítica, 2000 (the book is from 1979 and the 1st ed.'s Translation 1981). This work, both synthetic and sharp, is ten years before the bicentennial of the revolution that brought an avalanche of new texts and generated a dense field of controversies over how to interpret historical, political and ideologically the event. Vovelle anticipates that controversial when reviewed in Chapter 6 the state of the historiography of the revolution to 1979. In turn, interested in the history of mentalities, Vovelle devotes the second part of his book to discuss cultural aspects of the revolution, which is useful for us who study the cultural impact of the revolution in the field of literature. ----
Another commendable job, but more demanding from a historiographical point of view and therefore less suitable as a first reading, is that of Rolf E. Reichardt, The French Revolution and the democratic culture , trans. Carlos Martín Ramírez, Madrid, Siglo XXI editors, 2002 (the book is from 1998). Unlike Vovelle, Reichardt written after the Bicentennial. In order to define the spirit of your company, explains: "The Bicentennial of 1789-not to mention that the flood of magazine articles, has bestowed upon us a five thousand volumes, some of which are issues of sources, monographs and conference proceedings which are fundamental. The procedure, set of old, would be to distill an abstract set of stories 'classic' of the Revolution from Jules Michelet, to Jean Jaurès, to Albert Soboul and Francois Furet / Denis Richet, and garnish with some fruits of current readings, but leaving the bulk of new research literature to sink into the pit of the literature. The sketch offered here attempts a reverse path. Some of the problems and case studies more serious and fruitful arise during the Bicentennial, to reach a new kind of global exposition " (Xvii). ----
Three peculiarities owns Reichardt exposure mode: 1. part of the field and goes to Paris, through the provinces, in order to "desparisizar the Revolution", 2. performs a path from general propositions representative cases, with the conviction that in the historiography of the revolution abound statements and empty formulas, 3. provides an important space to the aspects that constitute the political culture of the revolution, ie, "modes of behavior, values \u200b\u200band collective symbols, as well as media and institutions of communication, sociability and social training of opinion ". In the latter, the emphasis on the cultural dimension, Reichardt Vovelle matches and is, for the same reasons, serves the interests of our program.

Polaroid Target Group

Siglo XIX, 2009, advance

This year, in the second quarter, Literature nineteenth century repeated the previous year's program , with some modifications. The main not include Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens of be incorporated in Unit III text Danton's Death of Georg Büchner and more class time devoted to William Wordsworth . Of this, added to the selection autobiographical poem The Prelude , another selection of poems Lyrical Ballads theoretical and handled the famous "Preface" to it in 1800.

The new program, as the former and almost all of nineteenth-century literature, constructs a multiple object, not exclusively literary, with features theoretical, historical and philosophical, and deals with a methodological approach may be called, first, comparatístico, as it aims to explore relationships between texts, ideas, literary poetry, discourses and disciplines, and on the other hand, family, and that points to highlight, examine and criticize in the act of reading the nineteenth century, those features which constitute the historical consciousness and modern and contemporary intellectual identity.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Intensifiers Used In Haircolor

Time March 2009 - February

--- L students wishing you pay review in March Time, either oral or defense mode monograph must register with the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature from 16 on 18 February. The three exam dates are: February 25, 4 and 11 March. Schedule: 14 hours. Those who submit paper for defense, will take on the first date (25 February) to the examination table and coordinate defense date there (4 or March 11). You doubt this? See guidelines for submission of papers , and if doubts persist, write to .