Superintendent of Insurance Activity reports .. Removal
The Superintendent of Insurance Activity issued a notice by which highlighted the provisions in the Law on Insurance Activity, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 5990, Extraordinary, dated July 29, 2010, reprinted by error in Official Gazette No. 39481 dated August 5, 2010, which establishes in the Second Final Provision of the ineffectiveness of all the clauses insurance contract to establish imbalances between rights and obligations of the parties by which they impose disproportionate burdens to the detriment of the contractor, policyholder, insured or beneficiary even when they have been approved at the time by the Governing Body.
in this Notice clarifies the EMS that are "full revoked without effect, more of the clauses above, not that this can be invoked the provisions in Articles 6 and 14 of Decree-Law of Contract Security, which refers to the consensual nature of contract and the consent expressed by the policyholder, insured or beneficiary expressly .
At the same time and make more explicit the information makes clear that " Thus, all those insurance contracts contain clauses, schedules, fares and other documents used in connection with insurance contracts, and through of them governing the exclusion or limitation of liability of the service, unilaterally terminated the contract citing high accident insurance, preexisting or acquired defects or congenital malformations, or other contractual arrangement established by the unilateral variation of the monetary value premiums and deductibles, which will generate an inequality for contracting tomador, asegurado o beneficiario se tendrán como no acordadas en consecuencia, las empresas de seguros deberán adecuarse al recién promulgado marco jurídico que regula la actividad aseguradora, so pena de ser sujeto por parte de esta Superintendencia de la imposición de las sanciones previstas en dicha Ley ."
Sin embargo, ya podemos ver como algunas empresas aseguradoras han decidido sus casos de siniestros de manera arbitraria, negando la clave ante las clinicas o rechazando los reclamos de los asegurados, incluso asumiendo posiciones anarquicas anulando polizas acudiendo a la cláusula de terminación anticipada (???) o simplemente no emitiendo la renovación de las mismas .
Taking all these situations that hinder the work of the consultants we are confident users spokesmen and insurance advisors and demand to the Superintendent of Insurance Activity (SAA) for the early finalization of the text of the Rules of the LAA to undertake a public consultation of the urgently, as the insurance industry is very vulnerable because it involves the social welfare policies represented in HCM, among others.
For now we have at our disposal to make allegations of irregularities at the offices of INDEPABIS, in our area who are enforcing the provisions of the LAA but Regulation urges us to confront these abuses to secure users.
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